December 2021 Safety Coach: No Hassle to Build Safety Castle

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Safety Coach
Soar to New Safety Heights

One of the best ways to prepare for a new beginning in a new year is to look back on the past. What’s working in your environment, health and safety program? What’s falling short of the mark? What’s missing?

These are tough questions. You likely will need to dig into safety reports and analyze incident data to find answers. Then, you can devise a plan to move forward.

Focusing on transportation safety is one way you can save money, reduce on- and off-the-job injuries and save lives. Our Driving Concern representatives can help you build a company-wide driver and traffic safety program without taking on additional costs. We’ll equip you to confront challenges encountered by all employers, including driver behavior issues such as distracted driving, drowsy driving, aggressive driving/speeding and impaired driving.

How? We offer free online training. We encourage you to apply what you learn at your own location. We also provide free resources to reinforce your own safety outreach efforts. Here is a partial list of what we offer:

Safety is personal. Tell a story about a distracted driving crash that impacted a coworker or loved one. This can create buy-in as you move toward transportation safety.

Of course, you can always reach out to the team at Our Driving Concern with questions. Email: [email protected].

At the start of a new year, people easily identify with goals to make personal improvements, like increased activity and healthier food choices.  Setting tangible goals to take your safety game to an all-new level can be more difficult, but also more rewarding over the long haul. Let us help you prioritize road safety.

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This is the time of year to review vehicle maintenance polices and prepare for the unexpected.

Tailgate Talk
Prepare for the Unexpected

In Texas, construction slowdowns are commonplace year-round. Traffic volume increases over the holidays. Then, during January and February, there is greater potential for inclement weather and adverse travel conditions. Many are unaccustomed to driving on slippery roads during sleet or ice storms, let alone a rare snowfall.

Take steps to prepare for the unexpected. Review your vehicle maintenance practices now and share these safety tips:

Regular tune-ups: Whether you oversee a fleet operation or work with employees who commute every day, it’s important to keep a checklist of regular maintenance. Oil changes, battery checks and tire rotations can prevent breakdowns. Safer cars = safer roads.

Many tools are available to assist with tracking fleet maintenance; search “tracking vehicle maintenance” online. Here are some tips from AARP you can share that apply more broadly to personal vehicles and commuters:

Check for recalls: More than 53 million vehicles nationwide have open recalls. Visit Check To Protect to determine if your fleet vehicles or personal vehicles are in need of repair. There are two ways to look up vehicles: by VIN (vehicle identification number) or license plate. Dealers make recall repairs for free. Schedule an appointment to confirm parts are available.

Need to check your entire fleet? Let the pros help:

Emergency kit: Be prepared in the event you are stranded. A roadside safety kit should include items such as a cellphone charger stick and emergency contact list, non-perishable food items and drinking water, jumper cables, first aid supplies (bandages, blankets, etc.) and safety tools (duct tape, reflector vest, two-in-one screwdriver, etc.).

Roadside safety kits and first aid kits make great last-minute gifts, too. They are readily available in stores and online. One more way to help: Provide these three free resources to help your workers navigate crash incident reporting:

Last year, more than 22,000 crashes occurred in work zones in Texas, according to the Texas Department of Transportation. Download, print and display these safety info cards from TxDOT. Make it a point to reverse that trend. Be the glue in ‘22 that binds your team to safety.

Nominations for the 2022 Our Driving Concern Traffic Safety Awards are open now.

Celebrating Safety

Each year, Our Driving Concern presents awards to Texas employers who encourage positive driver behavior on and off the job. The goal is to decrease injuries and fatalities resulting from crashes on Texas roads.

Nominations for 2022 are open now. Visit our website to get more details. Or submit your online application using this form. The deadline is Feb. 28.